services for keenspot readers and cartoonists
subscribe to keenspot comics via email
You can read some of our Keenspot comics through the convenience of email. Just submit your address to us for instructions on how to subscribe. There are a couple things you should bear in mind first, however. It's recommended that you have an email program that can display messages in HTML format for the subscription to work properly. Also, not all Keenspot comics are available via email. However, if you subscribe to Premium, a bigger range of email subscriptions options will be made available to you!

If you wish to remove yourself from any of our comic email lists, fill out this form to make a request:

Finally, if you've subscribed to some of our comics before, you can fill out this form to check and see which email lists you're currently part of:

manage your comics with Autokeen Lite
Autokeen Lite is a CGI program which generates HTML files for your comics. Created by Keenspot's technical guy Darren Bluel, it's essentially a scaled-down version of the Autokeen script he wrote, which handles all the comic updating on Keenspot.

Download Autokeen Lite v0.923 Beta
This file is public domain and open source. We only ask that you retain the proper credits in the file itself. And note that while this resource is free for personal use, you may not use it for commercial purposes without the express permission of Keenspot.
...oh, and we have a free comic hosting service. Did we mention that?
Comic Genesis is an extension of, where we hope to provide convenient and reliable web access for online comics much like we do for the members of It has been around since June 2000 and now provides hosting for thousands of comic artists around the world.
Comic Genesis artists get web accounts with unlimited webspace and bandwidth, plus access to the "Autokeen" scripts, which are utilities that can handle the updating and archiving of your comics automatically, similar to ones used by Keenspot artists. Comic Genesis also includes optional benefits, such as providing forums for the artists, as well as newsboxes and banner programs to help cross-promote.
How much does it all cost? Exactly zero dollars and zero cents. ...But you do have to put an ad banner at the tops of your pages. That's it.

If you are a webcomic artist, we would love to host your site for you, so head over to Comic Genesis and learn more about it!
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Keenspot Entertainment, P.O. Box 110, Cresbard, SD 57435
Ph: 1-888-KEENSPOT